June 21st, 2015

Two silly bikers walked into the church before services and decided to take selfie’s at the altar.

Very funny Pedro and Brooke!

Awesome Bikes! Two Indians were blessed that day, and myself as well.

July 25th, 2015

Poker Run for Circle of Friends Animal Shelter

Great charity run for a great cause.

June 14-22, 2016

St. Augustine Supports TSgt Corey Anderson as an Olympian in the 2016 USAF Wounded Warrior Games (AFW2)

The Air Force Wounded Warrior Program is a Congressionally-mandated, federally-funded program that provides personalized care, services and advocacy to seriously or very seriously wounded, ill or injured Total Force recovering service members and their Caregivers and families. AFW2 focuses on specific personal and family needs and includes programs that cover a gamut of situations throughout the recovery process and beyond.

The 2016 Department of Defense Warrior Games will take place at the U.S. Military Academy in West Point, New York, June 14-22. The elite athletes of these games will be selected as the US team that plays in the 2017 Invictus Games. The Invictus games are a larger version of the Wounded Warrior Games where US team members compete against wounded warrior teams from nations all over the world.

November 9, 2018

St. Augustine Supports Veterans

TSgt Cory Anderson is part of an unbroken chain. A chain of men and women who have served this country with distinction and honor. On behalf of a proud and grateful nation, we would like to say thank you to all of our nation’s veterans.

Veterans Day is also important to recognize those who are still living with invisible wounds from battle. Anderson is just one of many who experienced Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and we thank him for sharing his story, which continues to support his brothers and sisters in arms.

Thank you to all veterans who gave up so much to protect this nation, and who are still overcoming internal battles.